e2links Online Billing
The E2LINKS cybercafe management center utilizes financial security data centers that are similar to the communication mechanisms used by ATMs found in the banking industry to safeguard the security of data making it difficult for anyone to modify the information and data. This would put an end to tamper attempts of the existing data or replication of false information.
E2LINKS has been a leader in the industry by providing data backup in real time, regardless of its level of difficulty, and does so accurately. E2LINKS centre uses local server “HOTPLUG”, a remote disaster data recovery so you could easily complete the data recovery and disaster recovery without hassle and hence cybercafe wouldn’t face any downtime issues.
The central server is stored locally in the CX2 Tier 4 Environment Centre (located in Cyberjaya), and the availability of multiple dedicated lines ensures the stability and reliability of the server.

KeyBilling is an intelligent billing management system that administrates your cyber cafe’s billing, pc status, user accounts, & employees. Our vision is to invent a secure billing system that prevents our client from being hack/ bypass in order to ensure profit maximization of our clients. During the R&D, we abstracted the essentials of every other billing software in the market, which now KeyBilling equipped with:
- flexible price setting function,
- enormous membership creation & transfer function
- merchandises management
- remote control & monitoring
- details & user friendly report system
- easy installation & setup, free-to-transfer pc
- remote client pc awaken system
- etc
After all, KeyBilling is a billing management system that perfectly suits various kind of internet, cyber café, institutes as well.